Image of Jessica Sato in a bright pink shirt with a black leather jacket.


Speaker Coaching and Business Growth Strategy for Female Thought Leaders, Change Makers, And Entrepreneurs With A Social Mission

Imagine stepping onto the stage of your dreams, your voice echoing with impact, sharing your big ideas with a global audience.

I know how intimidating it can seem to boldly and confidently put your big ideas in the world.

If you’re an aspiring female thought leader, change-maker, or purpose-driven entrepreneur you already know how scary and overwhelming it is to boldly and confidently give voice to your big ideas.

Throw in the idea of doing it on a massive stage, and cue alllll the questions, fears, and uncertainties.

Is my idea big enough? Unique enough?

Am I really the right person to talk about it?

Will this really make a difference in the world? My business?

Let me assure you; the answer to all these questions is a resounding YES!

And I’m here to help you get clear on your big idea and guide you, step-by-step, through speaker preparation process, so you can translate your social purpose into a captivating message that resonates globally.

Hi, I’m Jess Sato.

Over a decade ago, I left corporate life on a mission to create more freedom and flexibility for my family. I built a successful consulting practice, had great clients, was traveling the world… then everything shifted.

It took some radical (and painful) events to get me to push the pause button and truly figure out why things weren’t working and what I actually wanted to be doing.

What I found blew me away!

I was too focused on making money, and everything about that just felt… empty.

I wanted my work to be meaningful. To make an impact. And while I knew I was doing good work, I also knew I could - and wanted to - create a powerful ripple of goodness in the world.

The good news?

Your clients want to support businesses that are making a difference in the world.

Your team wants to do meaningful and impactful work... and they want to work for leaders who are using their business for good.

As a business growth strategist and a former speaker coach for multiple TEDx* events, I’ve helped dozens of leaders, business owners, non-profits, and female founders stand boldly and confidently on stages and share their big idea with the world.

When we work together, our impact is exponential, and I can’t wait to see you stand on the stage of your dreams and shine!


Grab One Of My Free Resources!


Let’s turn that burning desire to create positive change in the world into reality!


*Jessica Sato Consulting is not affiliated with TED or TEDx organizations, however, we have supported multiple TEDx events as a speaker coach in both a paid and volunteer capacity.