Do You Have A Client Attraction System?

Do You Have A Client Attraction System?

One of the biggest challenges business owners face is building a path to consistent, predictable revenue. Or in simpler terms… getting a consistent flow of new clients.

Tell me if this sounds familiar?

You start your business with loads of excitement. You put yourself out there in a big way. Perhaps you even get some initial business. Then you put your head down and get to work providing a (hopefully) great experience. You finish the work you promised, and then… crickets.

You’ve got no one in your pipeline, so you start the promo process all over again but feel like you’re climbing uphill. You keep at it, and somewhere along the way you pick up a few more clients, you get busy delivering results, wrap up the work, and then… yep, more crickets.

This is the feast or famine rollercoaster, and it’s perhaps the most frustrating part of an entrepreneur’s journey, especially in the early stages. The ups and downs are exhausting and demoralizing. You get some forward momentum only to come to a jarring halt.

The problem: You don’t have a client attraction process, and therefore, no pipeline of clients.

As a business owner, attracting new people is the lifeblood of your business. When you’re building out your business foundations, it’s your job to figure out how you’ll consistently attract new clients and get them to connect with you in a meaningful way. Once you do, you can invite them to invest in your services. This, plus a powerful customer experience, is your Client Attraction System.

Every person that comes in contact with your business is on a journey, and they’re looking to you to show them the way. Your Client Attraction System should consist of five steps:

Let’s dive into each of these areas.

1. CAPTIVATE | cap·ti·vate | attract and hold the interest and attention of

Captivate is all about getting in front of new people. Think about this as creating awareness and visibility about your business to potential ideal clients by actively addressing a problem they need solved. Your goal is to get them to take some form of action, and what that is depends entirely on your business. Typically, in the online space, your goal is to drive people to your website with some sort of free offer that will give them a small taste of what you have to offer and how you can solve their problem.

Will Rogers, one of the great American cowboys and fellow Oklahoman, once said, “You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.” In fact, studies have show that it takes about 50 milliseconds (ms) (that’s 0.05 seconds) for a potential client to form an opinion about your website, and that determines whether they’ll stay or leave.

I don’t throw that statistic out to put the pressure on, but it’s important to recognize that your ideal client is distracted, so your messaging needs to be clear and attractive enough that it captivates their attention and compels them to take the next step.

2. CONNECT | /kəˈnekt/ | join together so as to provide access and communication

When your message is captivating, potential clients feel compelled to take action and connect further. This is perhaps one of the most important parts of the process because you’ve caught this person’s attention, and now you get to start the process of authentic connection.

In order to do that, you have to collect their information (e.g. name and email address), so you can begin building a real relationship with them. In order to connect, you need to offer a small, compelling piece of information that’ll help them tackle their problem, or at least see that you can help them solve it.

Failing to get their information is costly, and it may take a good deal of effort to get them to come back. So, really think hard about who your ideal client is, what they are struggling with, and how you can offer one thing that will help them start to solve that problem.

3. CULTIVATE | /ˈkəltəˌvāt/ | to develop or build a relationship by making yourself known

Cultivating relationships is perhaps the part of this process that comes most naturally to most entrepreneurs. This is where it’s easiest to serve and give, and it’s also where you’re able to help prospective clients know who you are and what you stand for, as well as how you can help them.

This know/like/trust phase is a pivotal part of the process because we rarely buy from people we don’t know or trust. Cultivating relationships that are authentic, to the extent you can, helps prospects know you’re in it with them, that you understand their problem, and that you have a solution to it.

When you’ve done this, inviting them to take the next step and invest in your product or service becomes a no-brainer.

4. CONVERT | /kənˈvərt/ | To invite a person to financially invest in your product or service

Convert is the next step in the process and is the culmination of the first three steps. As I mentioned in step 3, your job is to build the relationship and show potential clients exactly how and why they should work with you. Inviting someone to spend their time and money on your services is your job as a business owner. The early steps in the system don’t matter if you can’t get people to pay for your services.

After exclusively working with entrepreneurs for the past three and half years, I can say this is the part of the process people like least. They don’t want to appear salesly or come off sleazy, but the truth is, selling is a form of service. When you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can help someone fix their problem, it’s practically criminal not to make the offer. This is an area I’ve grown more and more comfortable with over the years, and it stems in large part to only being willing to make offers to potential clients that I KNOW I can help. Once you get a yes, you’ve officially moved them from prospective to paying client, and now you get to DO the work you promised.

Here’s the hard truth about this stage: if you’re unwilling to make the offer, you don’t really have a business. You have an expensive hobby.

5. CARE | /ker/ | To ensure clients have the best possible experience

Care is about ensuring your client has an excellent experience while working with you. The kind of experience a customer has at every stage of your business creates lasting impressions, and your goal is not only to help them work through their challenge, but ensure they feel seen, heard, and cared for throughout the process. You want them to walk away from their experience with you and the business saying, "WOW!" and with a desire to send others your way.

This is one of my favorite parts of the process. Ensuring that I not only deliver results but provide a high-level of service and support is something I care deeply about. The beauty of this step is that you get to design this in such a way that it meets (and exceeds) your clients’ expectations and meets your needs as well.

So, now what?

As you look at this system, where do you shine? What about places you could improve? Most of us have a system of some sort. The key is to look at what you’re doing and give an honest assessment of where the gaps are.

If you’re reading this and thinking, “Uh… I’m not sure I have a clue where to start, but I know I need clients.” Then I want to invite you to join me for a 20-minute Client Attraction Audit. This complimentary call will help you figure out 1) where the gaps are in your client attraction system, 2) where you’ll get the biggest improvement in the next 90 days, and 3) three immediate action steps you can take to close those gaps.

My goal is to help you get traction and grow. And in order to do that, you need a client attraction system that works. As we gear up for 2022, it’s time to take massive, focused action and that starts with having a system that brings the right clients to your door.

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