Fall Back In Love With Your Business

Fall Back In Love With Your Business

You’ve probably heard stories about how building a business is a lot like dating. There are loads of ways to take that, from the importance of being yourself and showing prospective clients what you’re all about, knowing that things take time to cultivate and grow, and having good “curb appeal,” to name a few. 

When you first start your business, it’s like being in a brand new relationship. You’re excited, you feel those butterflies swarming in your belly when you talk about it, and the exhilaration of knowing that this thing you’ve been dreaming about is finally happening.

And then, like all relationships, the shininess dulls a bit, and in the day-to-day running of it all, you start to realize there are things you don’t particularly love about your business. It could be mundane tasks that you have to do all the time, a realization that some of the clients you’re serving aren’t really ideal, or the tech is difficult and insanely frustrating. This is the natural cycle of entrepreneurship, but just like a relationship needs work, so to do your business.

In today’s post, I want to give you 7 ways to fall back in love with your business!

1. Delegate! Delegate! Delegate! As you’ve come to realize, there are definitely tasks you are not well suited for in your business. As your business grows, your time becomes more and more valuable, and tasks that still need to be done often fall by the wayside. This is your invitation to dig in and figure out which tasks only you can do, and which ones you can pass on to someone who will love doing it (and probably do it better than you)! Freeing up your time, energy, and resources is critical to growth… and your happiness!

2. Develop and/or streamline your processes. I’m a process junkie. I listen to business owners talk about the inefficiencies in their business, and I can’t help but see ways to simplify. In some cases, you need to create a system as you launch new products and services, but I suspect the biggest bang for your buck will come if you streamline systems you already have in place, using automation and by eliminating unnecessary steps. A while back, I created The Ultimate Systems Bundle to help you with this process. When your processes are streamlined, everything feels better and runs more smoothly.

3. Be more strategic. Most business owners start their business because they’re good at what they do. And while that’s the fun part, you have to have a strategy. It’s what allows you to be focused and efficient in your business. It’s how you manage your time, energy, and effort… and your resources. And most importantly, it’s how you grow. Set aside time each week to work on your business. Use that time to evaluate your business’s health and where potential opportunities are to enhance and streamline what you’re offering.

4. Get your finances in order. Understanding money, especially in the business context where you’re looking at balance sheets and profit and loss statements, can feel overwhelming. But knowing your numbers and making sure your finances are in order is a powerful way to fall back in love with your business. Hiring a bookkeeper was my first investment, and it’s been a game changer. Not only does she keep my books in order, she helps me understand what’s happening and what all those numbers mean. Bookkeepers, financial coaches, and CPAs help you see where your money is going, how to leverage that information to help you make smart business decisions, and best of all, keep you out of hot water with the IRS. If you do nothing else for your business, do this! It’s worth the investment!

5. Join a community of support. Business building is often lonely, and there is nothing more powerful than a community of passionate, driven, like-minded entrepreneurs who are all on a mission to build and grow profitable businesses.

6. Practice good self-care. I know this can often be seen as a buzzword, but in order to run a healthy business, you have to take care of you! Managing your hours, setting and holding firm boundaries with clients (and yourself), taking breaks, nourishing your own mind, body, and spirit are all important ways you can do this. If you’re not excited about getting to work, it might be time for a little break before you hit burnout! And I don’t know about you, but I didn’t leave corporate life to keep burning the candle at both ends. Care well for yourself.

7. Pay yourself. It took a long time before I felt like I could pay myself. For years, I poured all my money back into the business, and while it’s important to re-invest, it’s equally important to pay yourself a proper salary. It’s incredibly difficult to stay motivated when you feel like you’re doing a ton of work and never getting the tangible benefits of it. I can tell you that there is an instant mindset shift when you start paying yourself. Even if you can’t pay yourself a ton, start small and build from there. Set yourself up as an employee and run payroll regularly. Ask your accountant how to do this if you don’t know how… and bonus! There are tax benefits that come with it!

So, that’s it - 7 ways to fall back in love with your business. It doesn’t take much, but you have to be intentional and purposeful. When you are, just like with your partner, you’ll feel rejuvenated, more energized, and almost certainly see more revenue when you invest in yourself and your business’s growth!

How will you fall back in love with your business?

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