5 Visibility Strategies For Female Thought Leaders and Entrepreneurs

5 Visibility Strategies For Female Thought Leaders and Entrepreneurs

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How the heck do I get my big ideas out into the world and stand out as a thought leader? 

Every client I work with is asking some variation of this question. That’s because the world is noisy, in some cases saturated,  and we don’t always know which platform or approach makes the most sense. For female entrepreneurs with a social purpose, the challenge is even greater, but so is the potential for impact. If you're clear on your big idea and ready to amplify your visibility, here are five strategies to help you shine brighter in your industry.

Media and PR

I’m starting here because if you’re already clear on your big idea and have been talking about it on the platforms we’ll dive into below, this is your next step. Visibility often starts with the right exposure. High-profile media coverage can catapult your brand in a way no other method can. 

If you’re not sure where to begin, consider hiring a PR professional to craft and execute a strategic PR campaign. PR gives you a powerful credibility boost because other people are talking about you (vs. advertising or other media). PR professionals have the expertise to help you secure features in top-tier media outlets, magazines, and news platforms. 

In addition to PR, regularly issuing press releases about significant milestones, product launches, or other newsworthy events can keep your name in the public eye. Press releases are an excellent way to control your narrative and ensure that your achievements are recognized by a broader audience. I know on the surface this may seem excessive, but journalists are always looking for feel-good stories and local businesses to highlight. Help them do their job!

If you’re not sure where to get started in this realm, I highly recommend reaching out to the team at The Standing Ovation Society. They have loads of great resources to help you get started or partner with you, if your needs are more specific.

Public Speaking

When I worked at a Fortune 50 aerospace company, I had the privilege of leading a unique program that required the executives in the company to deliver teaching modules in leadership programs to up and coming leaders and managers. I coached over 500 leaders through this process, helping them identify their unique perspective on the required topics, uncover the stories they had to share, and tap into data that added additional credibility. It was through this process that I saw the power of communicating your big ideas and what speaking does to both the leader and the audience. 

Public speaking is one of the most powerful tools in a thought leader’s arsenal. Something magical happens on the stage - you connect with your audience on a personal level and establish yourself as an authority. That may seem crazy to think given that there’s often literal space between you and your audience, but speaking showcases your vulnerability, story, and expertise, and the audience honors that gift. 

There are a million and one stages, and the ones you choose to pursue depend entirely on your goals. Keynotes at industry conferences and events, events like TEDx, SPEAK, and DisruptHR, smaller, more local events, online workshops, being a guest on a podcast… the sky's the limit. 

You don’t need to jump right into keynotes and the traveling speaker circuit to increase your visibility and showcase your thought leadership. Start small. Get your thoughts in order, ask for recommendations on where other colleagues are speaking, and put yourself out there. I promise it’s worth it. 

Content Marketing and Podcasts

I have been writing a bi-monthly blog since 2018 and hosting my own podcast that accompanies it since August 2023. Both of these are tools I use in my own business to test out ideas, refine them, and get my voice out into the world. Long-form content that you own showcases your expertise and provides your audience with valuable insights.

There are myriad ways you can do this, and it largely depends on your industry and the way your audience consumes content. But consider developing a blog, eBooks, comprehensive guides, case studies, or white papers, especially if you’re digging into concepts that need more explanation and detail to be effective. Resources like this demonstrate the depth of your knowledge, and that’s essential for building credibility and a committed audience. 

I already mentioned podcasts - video and/or audio - but you don’t have to start your own. For the longest time I was incredibly resistant to creating my own - the reasons are best saved for another day - and so I was a guest for years on loads of podcasts. Guesting gives you the opportunity to showcase your thought leadership to another person’s audience (that should also be yours) while serving that community with valuable insights and perspectives. And because it’s someone else’s audience, you open the door more easily to new people finding you and jumping into your ecosystem. 

One caution - make sure your content goes on a platform that you own. Your long-form content should not live solely on social media. Get it on your website!

Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations

I cannot say enough about the power of collaborations and partnerships when it comes to expanding your reach and visibility. By partnering with other leaders or businesses, you can tap into their audience and create mutually beneficial relationships.

Strategic partnerships are an awesome way to get your thought leadership to extend beyond your own audience. I’ve co-hosted events with colleagues in the past that allowed both of us to shine and opened the door to new conversations and new clients. These collaborations can take lots of forms, so my best recommendation here is to communicate early and often. Document everything, so everyone is clear on the agreements and expectations.

The Dames, an organization for women running 6- and 7-figure+ businesses, is a great example of the power of strategic partnerships. We actively leverage each other as power partners for connections, introductions, and where appropriate the promotion of each others’ services.

Another option might be affiliate marketing. I know it’s gotten a bit of a bad rap, but establishing values-aligned affiliate relationships with other leaders to promote your products or services in exchange for a commission can drive more traffic and sales your way. This strategy, obviously, leverages the influence of others to boost your visibility. 

The key to these partnerships is to do it with people you know, trust, and respect, as well as . I also strongly believe in only promoting products or services that I have personally used or experienced, because I want my own audience to be well cared for. One of the ways that I use this in my own business is to strategically partner with people that offer complimentary services to mine or who perhaps share a similar audience but offer something different. This allows me to stay in alignment and have integrity with my recommendations. Choose your partners wisely. 

In fact, in this article, I’ve given two examples of organizations that I’m an affiliate of - The Dames and The Standing Ovation Society. In both cases, these are organizations I’m a part of and/or have personal experiences with. I feel confident that including them in this conversation - even if I do earn a commision if someone chooses to join - could help others who need those kinds of communities. 

Optimize Your Online Presence with SEO

I don’t need to tell you that a strong online presence is non-negotiable in today’s digital era. Organic search continues to be an important part of the marketing equation, so I strongly encourage you to take the time to ensure your website is search optimized. 

Search engine optimization (SEO), in a nutshell, is all about optimizing your website and content for search engines, so you can attract more organic traffic and ensure that your message reaches a broader audience. This process takes effort and is often part of a longer term strategy. Don’t expect - or be fooled by people who promise - quick results. 

In addition to SEO, using advanced analytics to track the performance of your content and campaigns allows you to make data-driven decisions. This ensures that your efforts are focused on strategies that yield the best results, maximizing your visibility and impact. Like SEO, this isn’t a one and done kind of thing. It takes time and a thoughtful strategy. 

Note: Not all SEO organizations are created equal, so ask around and really vet your partner if you decide to invest in these services.

So, there you have it. Five strategies to significantly help you elevate your visibility and amplify your impact. Which one of these strategies feels the best to you? 

Your big idea deserves to be seen and heard, and with the right approach, you can ensure it reaches the audience it’s meant to inspire.


If you’re ready to take your visibility to the next level and aren’t sure where to start, let’s chat! I’d love to help you get crystal clear on your big idea and figure out how you can best leverage it to create impact in the world. Simply grab a complimentary time slot on my calendar, and we’ll dive in!

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