6 Things I’m Grateful For

6 Things I’m Grateful For

Thanksgiving is upon us in the United States, and this week, our focus turns to gratitude and giving thanks. Throughout my entire childhood, as we sat around the table as a family, we would share one thing we were grateful for that year. As a mom, I’ve continued this tradition in my own family. I like the simplicity of it and the chance to pause and reflect. 

Last week, we ran the Design Your Best Year Yet Challenge, and each of us took the time to reflect on what 2022 had brought - good and bad - in both life and business. That work set us up well to step into Thanksgiving week and into the new year with clear eyes and open hearts. 

As an entrepreneur, there is much to be grateful and excited for. As you embrace the end of the year hustle and bustle, I want to express my own gratitude for what this year has brought and invite you to do the same. Here are just a few of the things I’m grateful for.

My family
My husband and kids… these three are my heart and soul. They’re a big part of why I do what I do, and I couldn’t do it nearly as well without their support and encouragement. They rise to the occasion when things are crazy and hectic. They leave love notes on my whiteboard, poke their heads through the center of my ring light and make ridiculous faces at me, and best of all, they’re with me through the lows and the highs. 

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention my inlaws. They’re the absolute best. They have made countless opportunities possible by stepping in and filling the gap. We literally couldn’t live our life the way we do without them, and I’m immensely grateful that we have such a beautiful relationship. 

My personal board of directors

I talk about this concept a lot, but let me tell you, when you have YOUR people, it’s a game-changer. My husband, close friends, and my coaches… these are the people who ground me, provide wise-counsel, challenge me to be the next best version of myself, commiserate in the lows, and celebrate the wins. I’m a better business owner and CEO because of them. 

My team

Holy moly, where would I be without my team? When I decided to transition away from corporate clients and work with female entrepreneurs, I had no idea how much I was taking on. The sudden need to start marketing myself, showing up, doing all the things was new and overwhelming. And yet, for four years, I did a lot of that myself. When I was at my wit's end with finances, drowning in my inbox and calendar, and falling out of love with social media, in walks Nicole Anderson, Teri Houghton, Kelly Small, and Joni Kinney. These four women dramatically simplify my life, and I cannot believe I waited as long as I did to get help. 

Word to the wise… get help before you think you need it… and can afford it. You won’t regret it. 

Time for vacation and the flexibility to work anywhere

This year brought with it an amazing two and half week vacation to Europe. There’s something amazing about knowing the business I built is paying for a trip or that being my own boss means I can take time and the business will continue on. When I was drowning in the early phases of business building, i couldn’t see how the heck I’d ever get away. And now… I do. 

I love having the flexibility to work from the road. I’ve spent many a work day at the dance studio, inside a climbing gym, or at a coffee shop. As I type this, I’m sitting in the Denver airport, waiting for my son to take off for his grand adventure to Japan. Having the ability to support my kids and their passions or take off when I want was the kind of flexibility and freedom I craved when I was in my corporate job, and now I’ve got it. On my terms.

My clients

These rock stars are doing brilliant, beautiful, amazing things in the world! Coaching women to build and increase their confidence, supporting families with loved ones in addiction and recovery, helping entrepreneurs increase their financial IQ and build profitable businesses, healing old traumas through sound and vibration, inspiring people to take amazing trips, teaching business owners how to build strong business foundations and systems, empowering kids to read and learn critical tools to work with their dyslexia, and building tools to help entrepreneurs use their data… I could go on and on. 

I’m in awe of the impact they’re making in the world and deeply grateful I get to be a part of their business journey.

The hard times

The last four years, and especially the last eighteen months, have taught me so much about business, relationships, and myself. I’ve heard people say that entrepreneurship is the best personal and professional development tool you could get, and I could not agree more. 

I’m grateful for the moments I’ve failed. The moments I’ve been pushed up against a wall and wasn’t quite sure what to do. The hard and sad moments. They’ve given me new insight into who I want to be and how I want to show up, taught me how to think critically and creatively, and challenged me to rise to the occasion in ways I never could have imagined. 

These moments have made the highs all the sweeter. 

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Being an entrepreneur has offered me growth, joy, love, support, and a deep sense of purpose. This year, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the business I’ve created, the women I serve, and the community and network I’ve built. 

So, what gifts has entrepreneurship given you this year? 

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