A Love Letter To Social Impact Entrepreneurs

A Love Letter To Social Impact Entrepreneurs

Dear Social Impact Entrepreneur,

I want to take a minute to acknowledge the realities of your journey. I know trying to tackle big social problems isn’t a walk in the park. I know some days, it feels like you’re alone, that the gaps you’re trying to close will always exist. So today, I want to share some practical insights to support and encourage you as you press forward and finish the last half of this year strong. 

Embrace the Complexities
Let's face it—the social impact space can be a wild ride. It's filled with uncertainty. The landscape and nature of the problems we’re trying to solve are constantly changing, and it can feel overwhelming to keep on top of it all. But when you embrace the unknown and stay curious, when you adapt and keep learning, when you’re flexible and open to new possibilities you can more easily tackle the curveballs that come your way.

Keep Balancing Mission and Sustainability
Balancing your mission with financial sustainability is crucial. You know this. I know this. So, don't shy away from exploring new revenue-generating models or seeking new funding opportunities. Finding a sustainable business model that aligns with your values is the key to amplifying your impact.

See Resource Limitations As Opportunities
Limited resources are part of the ongoing challenge, but here's the thing: it’s also an opportunity for creativity. It opens the door for new collaborations and partners, leveraging technology differently, and tweaking your systems and processes, so think outside the box. You'll be surprised by the innovative solutions you can come up with when your back’s against the wall. And let’s be real, that may be happening more often than you want. 

Nurture Resilience
Building and scaling a social enterprise isn’t for the faint of heart. Setbacks happen on the regular, and it’s easy for doubt, and sometimes hopelessness, to creep in. You're tougher than you think. Surround yourself with a support network of fellow (social impact) entrepreneurs, celebrate your big AND small wins, and take your failures in stride. Your mission is powerful and important. You’ve got this! 

Collaboration Is The Key
You're not alone in this journey. Let me say that again. You are not alone on this journey. Relationships and collaboration are your secret weapons. Seek out like-minded individuals and organizations. Join forces, share resources, and create meaningful partnerships. Find the peeps who support you, encourage and challenge you. Together, we can achieve so much more than we could on our own.

And one last thing… embrace the ride. Steve Jobs famously said, "The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."

That’s you! Keep doing good in the world. 


A fellow social impact entrepreneur

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