Do You Have a Lightning BOLT Idea?

Do You Have a Lightning BOLT Idea?

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Last week we dug into the fabric of a Big Idea and why it’s so important to put them out into the world. As a female thought leader, you already know that having a big idea isn't just about thinking differently—it's about thinking boldly. That’s why I want to focus on what actually makes a Big Idea “big”. 

As you probably recall, a Big Idea is a bold or audacious idea or concept that challenges the status quo, demands attention, and inspires action. But seriously, how do we evaluate ideas in a way that’s actually useful? And how do you test out the “bigness” of your idea. 

That’s where my BOLT framework - Bold, Original, Loud, and Tenacious - comes into play. Before I break down each of these elements, let me give you some background on how I even came up with this framework.

Lightning Bolt Moments

I’ve introduced this concept before, but I genuinely believe lightning gives us powerful insight into the nature and impact of big ideas. 

The BOLT framework came as I was thinking about what constitutes a big idea -  challenge the status quo, demand our attention, and inspire us to take action. I was thinking about all kinds of metaphors for ideas, light bulbs, eureka moments, etc and the image of lightning popped in my head. 

Lightning is bold. It’s powerful and intense. And best of all, it cuts through the darkness. We can’t help but take notice when lightning strikes. 

Big ideas are the exact same. They demand attention and action, and if we have an idea that’s big and bold, that challenges the status quo, we may very well be breaking down barriers and inspiring others to listen and take action in a way they never thought of!

So, let’s get into the nitty gritty!


A big idea that’s bold requires courage to speak it out loud. These ideas often venture into areas or discussions that others may avoid. Boldness in your idea means you're not just taking risks for the sake of it; you're making strategic moves that have the potential to drastically shift perceptions and operations within your industry. This boldness might involve tackling taboo subjects, introducing revolutionary practices, or proposing solutions that seem ahead of their time. 

In fact, as a I reflect on all of my clients who are actively embracing their thought leadership, most of them are talking about subjects others don’t want to talk about (e.g. money, addiction and recovery), introducing new approaches to modern day problems (e.g. collaboration in divorce, new strategies to prevent physician burnout), or are leading the charge in up and coming fields (e.g. new scope 3 scaling strategies and new approaches to social enterprises). Their work and passion is awe-inspiring.

The boldness of your idea will set you apart as a leader who isn’t afraid to challenge the norm and push boundaries for the greater good.


Originality is at the heart of a big idea. It brings a unique perspective or solution that hasn’t been seen before. I often get pushback here because the common mantra is that there are “no new ideas”, but I’m challenging this. 

A new idea doesn’t surface from nowhere. Original ideas are often born from a deep understanding of your field, a willingness to think outside conventional boundaries, and an examination of your own lived and professional experiences. This originality distinguishes you and your business from competitors, contributing to a strong, distinctive brand identity. 

Original ideas are the ones that make people stop and think, "Why hasn't anyone thought of this before?" or “Wow! I’ve never thought of it like that before!” 

By being original, you ensure that your idea captures attention and sparks interest, making a lasting impact.


In the BOLT framework, "loud" doesn’t necessarily mean noisy. 

Loud is all about being impactful enough to be heard over the din of the market. A loud idea resonates widely and clearly with its intended audience. This is often achieved through compelling storytelling, your ability to invite people into the why and mission behind your work, and robust marketing strategies. 

Your idea needs to be communicated in a way that grabs attention and engages people emotionally and intellectually. Whether it’s through powerful narratives, innovative campaigns, or strategic use of media, a loud idea ensures that your message cuts through the noise and reaches those who need to hear it most.


This last area is one of my favorites because it’s so multi-faceted. 

A big idea that’s tenacious is pursued with persistence and resilience, even in the face of obstacles or skepticism. 

This tenacity is crucial in transforming an innovative concept into a successful business strategy. Building something new and impactful is never easy, and there will always be challenges along the way. This is the area where I see a lot of thought leaders and entrepreneurs give up too early. We’re used to instant gratification, but big ideas take time to formulate, land, and permeate the market. 

Tenacious ideas also get challenged, evolve, and grow into the next iteration. That’s why echo chambers and unchallenged ideas aren’t helpful. Like a lightning bolt, big ideas galvanize or repel; that’s a good thing!

At the end of the day, when you’re really and truly committed to creating an impact, tenacity means continually pushing forward, refining your approach, and never giving up on the potential of your big idea.

Do you have a BOLT™️ Idea?

As a female thought leader or entrepreneur, your big idea has the power to change the world. By being Bold, Original, Loud, and Tenacious, you can ensure that your idea stands out, resonates, and drives meaningful change. 

Take some time to dig into the BOLT framework and test out how “big” your idea really is. To help you do this, I created a simple assessment with a series of reflective questions to help you dig in and refine your own idea. You can grab it here!

Remember, it’s not just about having a big idea—it’s about having a BOLT™️ idea. One that is courageous, unique, resonant, and persistent. Let’s create those lightning bolt moments together and transform your work into lasting impact.

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