How to Use Your Big Idea to Boost Your Messaging Strategy and Build Your Business

How to Use Your Big Idea to Boost Your Messaging Strategy and Build Your Business

Every purpose-driven business owner, thought leader, or change-maker has one thing in common – a big idea. 

Having a big idea, however, isn’t enough anymore, especially when you’re trying to cut through the noise of a very crowded market to get visibility for your business. Post-COVID and on the tail end of The Great Resignation, competition is fierce and there are more distractions than ever, and that means it’s essential to have a clear and effective messaging strategy to help cut through the noise and connect with your target audience. 

In this week’s blog, we’ll explore how to leverage your big idea in your messaging strategy and create more visibility - and therefore growth - for your business.

Start by Understanding Your Big Idea

Your big idea could be anything, from a revolutionary product that can change lives to a unique approach to solving a problem in your industry to your commitment to support social change through your business. No matter what it is, your big idea should be the foundation of your business and serve as the filter through which you view your decision-making. 

Therefore, it’s essential to understand the ins and outs of your big idea before you can communicate it effectively. Over the past few weeks, I’ve spoken a lot about having a Theory of Change and ensuring that it’s embedded into your business strategy

Practically speaking, this means you know why this big idea matters to you, your team, and your prospective clients. That understanding allows you to craft offers that are aligned, package your services and the client experience that goes with it in a unique and compelling way, and refine your messaging so that it invites others into mutual belief. 

Know Your Ideal Client

If you’ve been in business for any length of time, this may seem obvious, but it bears repeating that knowing your ideal client is key when it comes to crafting a messaging strategy that resonates. 

When was the last time you asked yourself the following questions:

  • Who are the people who need my big idea or can benefit from it? 

  • What are their characteristics, pain points, motivations, and values?

  • Do they know I’m talking to them?

The marriage between your big idea and your ideal client makes crafting a compelling message that much easier.

Use Your Big Idea as a Platform to Build Your Brand Identity

Using your big idea as the foundation of your brand identity is what makes all of this fun! Your brand identity is what makes you instantly recognizable to your customers. Yes, that includes the visual aspects of your business - logo, imagery, etc - but it’s also WHAT you talk about. 

Many people know me for the issues and ideas I speak about often. My passion for menstrual equity and my support for Days For Girls International, a nonprofit organization that prepares and distributes sustainable menstrual health solutions to girls who would otherwise miss school during their monthly periods. My heart for supporting women in developing countries, particularly Egypt, as they seek to create opportunities for themselves through entrepreneurship. My belief that entrepreneurship IS the way forward for women as the economy and social constructs continue throwing barriers for self-sufficiency and wealth creation our way. My love for boybands… and Harry Styles. Okay, boybands aren’t a big idea, but I still love talking about them.  

That awareness translates to revenue for my business. Those issues and my ideas around them create connection with my ideal clients and keep me top of mind when it comes to running my business effectively. And to be clear, I’m not just talking about the things above. I’m also speaking about business strategy, messaging, visibility, TEDx stages, and the importance of using your voice consistently in your business. 

All of it ties together and enables your business to grow! By consistently using your big idea as the foundation for your branding, you can build a passionate and loyal fanbase that will help you amplify your message, and by extension, your impact!

Create and Share Compelling Content That Explores Your Big Idea

One you have a clear messaging strategy, you get to create content that explores and highlights your big idea. Compelling content can take many forms, including blog articles (my go-to method for sharing my thoughts and ideas), social media posts, videos, podcasts (have you checked out my Purpose + Profit Podcast?), case studies, and other things that are relevant to your audience. Whichever form your content takes, it has to be informative, engaging, and valuable to the people you want in your target audience.

I would be remiss if I didn’t at least touch briefly on making sure you’re on the right channels and in networks to maximize your visibility. Effective distribution means engaging with your target audience on channels and in places where they’re spending their time. I spend the bulk of my time on Linkedin and Instagram

Note that I’m not trying to spread myself too thin by being on every single platform, using every single medium available to me. Pick a platform or two and stick with it. Consistency is everything. 

By using your big idea to fuel your messaging strategy and create visibility for your business, you’re not only attracting new clients but building a passionate and engaged audience that shares your vision. By understanding your big idea, revisiting who your ideal client is and what they want, and using your big idea as a platform to build your brand identity, you can create a messaging strategy that resonates with your audience, cuts through the noise, and drives business growth. The key is to stay consistent and true to your big idea.

Here’s to making an impact!

P.S. If you’re looking for a way to share your big idea with the world, let’s chat!

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