Do you feel like something is missing in your business?

You’ve made money.

By most measures, your business is successful.

But somewhere along the way, it doesn’t feel quite as… good as you thought it would.

So, what gives?

That something that’s missing… it’s PURPOSE!

I’ve worked with hundreds of businesses and leaders over the last decade, and almost every person I’ve come in contact with has experienced this frustration and emptiness.

It’s not uncommon to see the deeper purpose behind your business go missing, especially when you’re coming out of the early stages of business.

Or maybe you’re like me, and you just dove into business building out of necessity and thought you’d figure it out along the way.

Neither of these scenarios are fun. When you know WHY you started your business and the IMPACT you want to make, it becomes a powerful filter for your business.

It serves as the gauge for every aspect of your business - hiring, investing, creating new offers, and how you serve your clients.

More importantly, it gives your day-to-day activities meaning. It serves as a critical reminder when times get tough, and you aren’t sure whether you really want to run your business anymore.

In my free guide: 10 Questions To Ask To Align Purpose and Strategy, you’ll:

  • Get reacquainted with WHY you started your business and what makes your reasons so unique

  • Revisit what you’re FOR and what you’re AGAINST… and how that shows up in your day-to-day activities

  • Start strategizing what incorporating your purpose can do for your business

  • Feel empowered to ADVOCATE for the things that truly matter, so you can have the IMPACT you truly want in the world.

If you're unsure of the why behind your business or have lost it along the way, enter your information below, and I’ll send you the 10 Questions to help you rediscover your purpose and align it with your strategy!


Hey there!

I’m Jess Sato.

I imagine a world where women globally are free to use their unique skills, expertise, and voice to create opportunities for themselves and others.

Since 2007, I've worked with leaders and business owners all over the world to increase their leadership capability and create and refine their business strategies, so they can have the impact they truly want in the world.

Your purpose IS your competitive advantage, and when every action you take is rooted in your WHY, it’s a complete game-changer!

I’m on a mission to help you and businesses like you grow their impact, on purpose, with purpose.

Let’s do this!