Closing the Year with Purpose: A Catalyst for Next Year's Business Success

Closing the Year with Purpose: A Catalyst for Next Year's Business Success

The last six weeks of the year can be overwhelming. Between the holiday season, year-end deadlines, and family commitments, it can be hard to stay focused on our goals. However, it's also one of the best times to make the final push toward the goals you've been working toward all year, reflect on the impact you've made, and plan for the year to come. These last six weeks can provide an opportunity to not only celebrate your achievements but also set the stage for new ones, to think about how to make a bigger impact.

Let's explore how you can make the most of the last six weeks of the year while remaining mindful of the holiday festivities and the general busyness of the season.

Set realistic goals

Before you start thinking about your year-end strategy, it's important to be realistic about what you can achieve in the next six weeks. I can't tell you how many times I've thought I could - and should - cram a billion things into the last few weeks of the year. That's a recipe for burnout.

Take a moment to reflect on what you've accomplished throughout the year and identify tasks that you still need to complete. Be honest and realistic about the obligations you have on the calendar, and then prioritize your to-do list to ensure you're focusing on the most important tasks first. Remember, sometimes the smallest steps can lead to the biggest rewards.

Schedule downtime

It's easy to get wrapped up in the holiday season and forget about self-care. But taking care of yourself both physically and mentally is essential, especially during a busy time. Make sure to schedule downtime each day, even if it's just a few minutes to meditate, take a walk, or indulge in a favorite hobby. When you take care of yourself, you replenish your energy and drive to tackle challenges head-on.

This year, I'm practicing what I preach. A friend invited me to do a yoga retreat with her, something I've always wanted to do but never have. Between that and my commitment to take off the last two weeks of the year for the holidays and to spend time with the family, I'm really looking forward to going into the last few weeks of the year refreshed.

Celebrate your success

If you're anything like me, you often get wrapped up in the next big goal before the ink has finished drying on whatever project you just wrapped up. But it's important to remember to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they seem.

What have you achieved this year?
What surprises happened along the way and where did they lead you?
What can you celebrate?

Celebrating success not only feels good, but it also provides the motivation needed to work towards the next goal.

Connect with your network

The end of the year provides an excellent opportunity to connect with your network. Reach out to your colleagues, clients, and mentors and express your gratitude for their support throughout the year. It's not only a great way to show appreciation, but it also strengthens your relationships and may uncover new business opportunities.

Start Planning for the year ahead

The strategist in me loves planning. Before I plan for the next phase of the business, I do an in-depth audit on my business. I look at revenue, impact, and overall growth trends, as well as client satisfaction and successes. I also do an ops assessment to see where I can improve my processes, particularly my marketing and sales systems. That often leaves me with a nice list of areas for improvement, which informs my goals and Q1 90-day plan.

This is one of my favorite times to brainstorm new ideas for growth, strategize on how to increase efficiency, and innovate around my messaging.

Perhaps best of all, it's where I get to assess my impact work, make financial donations, and dream about how I can expand in the upcoming year.

As you begin to wrap up the year, use the next six weeks as a time to set the stage for a successful year to come. While it can be a busy time, a purpose-driven approach to the end of the year can create a sense of accountability and motivation to start the new year off on the right foot.

Not to mention a chance to treat yourself to a celebration or two for showing up for your business, yourself, and others! 

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