How to close the year strong!

How to close the year strong!

The last six weeks of the year are upon us, and often that puts us in one of two modes:

Panic because we’re not sure we’re going to be able to hit our goals and the ensuing frenzy of crazy energy takes over.


Resignation. We look at our goals and decide it’s too late and push them off to the next year.

I’m not a fan of that crazy frenetic energy, and operating in crisis mode never feels good. 

The second option - closing up shop for the busy holiday months - doesn’t work either! 

In today’s episode we’re going to talk about why neither of these options are great, and how you can finish the year strong with intentional action and very little overwhelm. 

Key points:

  1. Take stock of what’s happened this year and where you are right now

  2. Build a fast action plan

  3. Show up and be visible.

  4. Keep doing your CEO Time.

So, how will you spend the last six weeks of the year?

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