How do I know if I’m the right person to deliver this message?

How do I know if I’m the right person to deliver this message?

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A while back, I was scrolling on Linkedin and saw a post from Ashlee Berghoff (a rockstar FCOO and colleague from a networking community we’re both in) that caused me to pause. She quoted a piece of advice from Kevin Kelly, and it really struck me.

"You can become the world’s best in something primarily by caring more about it than anyone else."

In the work I do with female thought leaders, experts, and entrepreneurs, I often hear people pose the question: How do I know if I’m the right person to deliver this message?

It’s this sentiment - caring deeply about your mission, message, and impact and tirelessly working toward - that’s critically important to becoming a thought leader. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to confidently affirm your role as a thought leader and leverage the BOLT™️ Method to ensure your message resonates with your audience.

Embrace Your Expertise

One of the most foundational aspects of being a thought leader is being original, or at minimum, having a unique perspective or point of view on the issue you’re passionate about. 

This passion is often rooted in your own journey. Every single one of us has walked a well worn path paved with unique experiences, successes, and insights, but they often get compartmentalized into “learned that at an old job” or “I used to do that” or “this is obvious; no one needs to hear this” along the way. This minimization feels natural but comes at a cost when it comes to showcasing your expertise.

When you start talking about your big idea and how you came to it - aka Original in the BOLT™️ Method - that’s where the magic is. No one else can see the issue in quite the same way, so embrace it for the powerful idea and message that it is!

Actions You Can Take Right Now: 

  1. Consider mapping out your own history, reflecting on your achievements and the lessons you’ve learned along the way. How did you come to this perspective? What event or job shaped your point of view? What unique stories go along with this?

  2. Identify Your Unique Value Proposition. What makes your perspective different from others in your field? Your background, experiences, values, and approach are what set you apart. Embrace these elements as strengths that enrich your message. And if you can’t do this on your own, ask someone to help!

  3. Collect Evidence! Client testimonials, case studies, and recognitions serve as tangible proof of your expertise. I have a folder in my email called, “Love Notes”. When I’m waffling or feeling timid, I use these to remind myself—and show others—why I’m the right person to deliver the message.

Align with Your Purpose

A lot of people are passionate. A lot of people have opinions. But very few are willing to do what it takes to make a difference. That’s one of the reasons I love working with social impact entrepreneurs. They are deeply committed to moving the needle on some of the world’s most challenging problems, and it’s that groundedness that sets you apart, just like in Kevin Kelly’s quote above. 

You care. A lot. 

And you’re actively doing something about it!

Actions You Can Take Right Now:

  1. Reconnect with your core values and mission. Your big idea is rooted in them, and when you align your message with these principles, it makes it that much easier to speak with authenticity and conviction.

  2. Focus on Impact! It’s easy to get mired down in perfection, expectation, and obligation, but I strongly encourage you to prioritize the impact your message and work can create. Progress and positive change, even in teeny tiny increments, go a long way.

  3. Use Your Voice. No article of mine would be complete without some mention of using your voice. The BOLT™️ Method is all about helping you unapologetically and boldly speak your truth, break the narrative, and change the world. You can’t do that if you don’t speak up. 

Amplify Your Message

The BOLT™️ Method—Bold, Original, Loud, Tenacious—is designed to help you feel more confident as you deliver your message. When you tap into your passion, your own experiences and expertise, and pursue your impact relentlessly, you automatically get a boost because you KNOW you aren’t just talking for the sake of talking. You’re sharing a message the world needs to hear, and you’re doing it in a way that is unique to your target audience. It’s pretty freaking powerful!

Actions You Can Take Right Now:

  1. Be a little courageous. Boldness is about stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. Whether it’s speaking at an event, publishing a thought-provoking article, or launching a new initiative, bold actions make a significant impact.

  2. Innovate. Your originality is your strength. What’s not being said that should be said? What would challenging the status quo look like from your vantage point? Original ideas capture attention and distinguish you as a thought leader in your field.

  3. Reframe your message. Being Loud isn’t just about volume; it’s about reach and connection. Where is your audience? Are they hearing you? What would it look like to share your big idea differently? 

  4. Show up! Tenacity is key to sustaining momentum. Stay committed to your vision, even when it feels like you’re speaking to no one. You truly have no idea who’s listening and watching. Your persistence will make a difference and is a big part of solidifying your position as a leader.

You Are the Right Person

I hope by now you’ve gotten some positive reinforcement about why YOU are the right person. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:

The world desperately needs women’s voices. 

Your unique journey, expertise, and dedication to creating real social change makes you the perfect person to deliver your message. So be bold, be brave, and go make an impact!

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