Period Poverty and Menstrual Equity - A Call to Action

Period Poverty and Menstrual Equity - A Call to Action

In last week’s blog, we dove into the work that Celeste Mergens - the founder of Days For Girls International - has been doing alongside other organizations to tackle period poverty and close the menstrual equity gap. 

Period poverty is an issue that affects 500 million menstruators globally. That's roughly 1/4 of the global menstruating population. And the statistics are just as challenging right here in the U.S. 

In today's episode, we dive into what:

1. What period poverty is and how many people are being affected by this in the U.S. and globally

2. The implications on a menstruator’s physical, mental, and socioeconomic health when they are experiencing period poverty

3. 3 ways you, as a business owner, can help close gaps on menstrual equity and on issues that are important to you

We also address what it can look like, practically, to support organizations and nonprofits as a business owner. Making an impact doesn’t have to be complex. In this episode, I share my own journey to support Days for Girls, as well as advocacy efforts in the United States to make period poverty a thing of the past.

After you listen, spend some time thinking about an organization - for profit or nonprofit - that is tackling issues that are important to you?

How can you support their work?

Is there space to collaborate?

What role does or can advocacy play in helping address the issue that’s most important to you?

Your clients and others in your business ecosystem are actively looking to do business with businesses that are doing good in the world.

Why not start today?

Here’s to making an impact.

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