The Power of Days: Key Learnings on Resilience, Dignity, and Women's Equity

The Power of Days: Key Learnings on Resilience, Dignity, and Women's Equity

If you would have asked me a few years ago if I had ever heard of period poverty or the fight for menstrual equity, I would have stared at you in confusion. But at a conference in 2019, I stumbled upon a booth for Days for Girls (DFG), a non-profit organization that provides health education and menstrual care solutions to women in marginalized communities globally. The longer I chatted with the women representing the organization, the more I felt this deep desire to get involved. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to support my local chapter of DFG with period kit prep and assembling events, and it has been one of the coolest, most impactful experiences I’ve had as a business owner. 

Today, I’m excited to share my key takeaways from Celeste Mergens’, the founder of Days for Girls, book, The Power of Days. Her story is one of resilience, dignity, and the relentless fight for menstrual equity globally. The Power of Days underscores the importance of empowering women and men alike to take action towards gender equity and provides powerful insights into the growth of global movement. 

Let’s dive in!

Resilience is Vital for Change

The Power of Days highlights the importance of resilience in the face of challenges. Celeste shares how her difficult childhood and subsequent life experiences paved the way for her to create Days for Girls. Like all of us, she and her team faced numerous setbacks and roadblocks along the way, but her resilience and unwavering commitment to ending period poverty for every girl in the world kept her going.

Dignity is a Basic Human Right

Every person deserves dignity, regardless of their gender or background, and as Celeste notes, "menstrual health management is a matter of human rights, and a critical component to achieving gender equity."

Millions of young women globally, nearly 500 million, roughly one-quarter of the menstruating population globally, lack access to everything they need for menstrual care. That number is staggering.

Days for Girls has made a substantial impact in the lives of 3 million women by providing menstrual kits that are hygienic, reusable, and easy to clean. These sustainable solutions and the accompanying education shatter stigmas and ensure every woman can thrive with dignity.

Collaboration and Partnerships are Key

We've long known that collaborations and partnerships are vital for creating impact, and The Power of Days showcases time and again just how critical partnerships have been in creating sustainable change. Days for Girls, like most nonprofit organizations, began as a small venture but has grown into a global leader in the fight to end period poverty by collaborating with other organizations, businesses, public health officials, governments, and most importantly, local communities to spread awareness about menstrual hygiene and provide sustainable menstrual solutions.

When we bring like-minded partners into the process, the ripple effect can be massive. 

Advocacy is the Path to Change

Individuals, nonprofit organizations, and social impact businesses cannot create change on their own, and advocacy continues to be one of the best paths to change. The fight for women's menstrual health rights and the subsequent changes we're seeing in U.S. state legislatures and in countries throughout the world is the direct work of change-makers and activists boldly speaking out against harmful practices, raising awareness for what change can look like, and the powerful impact we create when we work together.

Where can you use your voice? In the U.S., the Menstrual Equity for All Act (introduced by Rep. Grace Meng) and the Period PROUD Act (introduced by Rep. Sean Casten and Rep. Grace Meng) were introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. These critical bills will help to advance menstrual equity for people with periods across the country. If this issue matters to you, urge your Representative to co-sponsor the Menstrual Equity for All Act and the Period PROUD Act

Women's Equity is Achievable

The Power of Days reveals that women's equity is achievable. With the right mindset, resilience, and collaboration, we can continue making significant strides towards gender equality. Celeste, her team, and the army of volunteers that bring menstrual solutions to communities near and far have shown us that change is possible, one girl at a time. Women's equity is a fundamental human right, and it is up to us, as purpose-driven business owners, change-makers, and thought leaders, to work toward achieving it.

This summary does not do The Power of Days justice, so run, do not walk, to grab your copy wherever books are sold. By clicking the link in this blog your purchase will directly benefit Days for Girls, International

Through resilience, collaboration, and advocacy work, we can create change that lasts in the lives of women and communities globally. My business proudly donates our time, hands, and money to support the work Celeste and her team are doing every single day, and I'm grateful to be a small part of this powerful and essential work.

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