The Power of Thought Leadership for Female Entrepreneurs

The Power of Thought Leadership for Female Entrepreneurs

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I am really excited to start a brand new 4-part series on the power of thought leadership. You’ve heard me talk about this before in the context of speaking on big stages, but as I’ve spoken with countless business owners, it’s clear there’s room to dig in. 

If you’ve been a business owner for any length of time, and especially in the last five years, you already know how volatile the entrepreneurial world can be. We’ve learned how quickly new platforms come and go, seen how disruptive AI can be - and still is - and how marketing trends change. This VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) isn’t going to change. 

This is where your thought leadership comes in. On the surface, it may seem like just another buzzword for people who want to speak on stages like TEDx and DisruptHR, but I believe thought leadership is one of the most powerful and fundamental business strategies for entrepreneurs and people who are looking to elevate their influence and drive meaningful change in the world. 

For female entrepreneurs, developing a strong voice as a thought leader is particularly impactful because we’re often trying to navigate and excel in business environments that may not always recognize our contributions or potential. 

This four-part series will dig into the power of thought leadership, the challenges that come with it, why we need real, human thought leaders in the age of AI, and practical strategies you can use while you step into your role as a thought leader. 

Ready to dive in?

What is Thought Leadership?

Thought leadership is the process of expressing ideas that showcase your expertise, perspective, and point of view on issues or challenges in a particular field of study, industry, or topic area. 

I spent over 15 years working with leaders at Boeing who were doing cutting-edge research, design, and engineering. They understood what had already been done in their respective fields, where the gaps were, and they had a unique perspective and approach to addressing those issues. 

They, like the entrepreneurs I work with today, are passionate about their field and are eager to make a difference in the world. They understand the power and importance of using their voice to create awareness in order to move the needle on big social challenges we’re experiencing as a collective.  

Thought leadership is about establishing yourself as an authority in your field, contributing valuable insights, and inspiring innovation and change by sharing your expertise, visionary thinking and your authentic voice.

Thought Leadership is Crucial for Female Entrepreneurs

You know what thought leadership is, and it probably doesn’t take much to figure out why it’s important. When female entrepreneurs and leaders boldly speak up, it helps establish their credibility, has the potential to challenge stereotypes and increase representation, particularly in spaces where women’s voices have been marginalized, and set you apart from all the others in your field. 

The marketplace is incredibly overcrowded. Nearly 5.5 million businesses started in 2023, the highest year on record, which means in order to stand out, you have to speak up.

Practically, being a thought leader has the potential to:

Extend your influence and reach, especially when you show up consistently. When you bring your voice and message to different audiences, whether that’s on big stages, podcasts, blogs…, you open the door to new supporters, potential clients, investors, and collaborators who can play a pivotal role as you grow and scale your business. 

Increase your credibility and authority. I’ve had the joy of supporting women who are actively seeking to change the narrative in industries that have historically been male- and white-dominated. These are spaces where women are often still fighting to establish their credibility and change “the way it’s always been done.” When you step into the role of thought leader, you continually demonstrate your expertise, provide critical insight, and showcase your commitment to your industry.

Open the door to new networking opportunities.Thought leadership opens doors to new professional circles. This is one of the reasons I love TEDx events so much. When speakers share their big ideas on the stage, they automatically draw people into a conversation, and when they step off the stage, the conversation continues. The same is true at conferences, on podcasts, and at other networking events. Engaging with other thought leaders and people in your industry can lead to amazing mentorship opportunities, strategic partnerships, and more.

And perhaps the part I love best… Being a thought leader is one of the best ways to drive change and create impact. As a thought leader, you have a platform to advocate for change, whether it's pushing for more women in tech or promoting sustainability in your industry. Your ideas can inspire change and lead to real-world impact.

So, How Do You Begin Your Journey as a Thought Leader?

  1. Identify your big idea or unique insight on a particular issue or challenge you’re experiencing. I often ask the entrepreneurs and speakers I work with the following questions:

    a. What’s not being said that should be said?

    b. When you look at your industry or the world around you, what fires you up? Pisses you off?

    c. Why are you the right person to tackle this? Note - there’s no room for imposter syndrome here. You’re an expert in your field, so own it.

  2. Start small. You don’t need to start with a keynote at a major conference, do a TED talk, or pay thousands to be on big name, influencer podcasts. Begin by contributing to discussions in online forums, writing articles for industry publications, or speaking at local events. There is no one right way, but you do have to be clear on your point of view and get your thoughts in front of other people’s audiences.

  3. Show up consistently. Hands down, this is one of the areas where business owners often struggle, but when you show up consistently - in message and presence - you build trust, authority, and a community of support.

Thought leadership is a powerful approach to challenging the status quo and driving change. By using your voice and ensuring it is heard, you not only contribute to your industry's growth but also inspire others to rise up and lead. The world desperately needs women’s voices, and I hope you’ll embrace the power of your insights and bring others into the conversation. 

In the next post, we’ll tackle the dark side of being a thought leader and what to do to overcome some of those challenges.

Ready to elevate your voice? Share your thoughts or ask a question below. Let’s start a conversation that sparks change.

The Dark Side of Thought Leadership

The Dark Side of Thought Leadership

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