Why Integrating Your Big Idea Is Key To Growing Your Business

Why Integrating Your Big Idea Is Key To Growing Your Business

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What do you do when you’re not sure that TEDx is the right path for you (at least for now), but you know you have a big idea?

In today’s blog, we’ll dive into why your big idea is not just for the TEDx stage, why you should weave it into every aspect of your business, and how to get started doing that! This integration is not just a strategy but a mission-driven approach to create meaningful change. 

Let’s dive in.

The Power of a Big Idea

Your big idea is more than just a key to the TEDx stage. It’s one of the most important elements of your business’s foundation. It’s intricately tied to your mission and vision, connected to the way in which you do business, and in many cases the very solutions you provide to your clients. The more you talk about your big idea in the context of your business, the more galvanizing (and repelling) you become, and that’s a good thing!

I’ve written extensively on how to find your big idea (here & here), but if you’re new to the idea of big ideas, I encourage you to reflect on your personal experiences and expertise, what you’re noticing in your industry or in society that gives you pause or lights you up (in passion or frustration), and where real transformation is needed in the spaces you operate in.

Why Integration is Key

Integrating your big idea into your business goes beyond the branding or marketing strategies and tactics you use. When people come in contact with your business, they may not overtly say, “Wow! This business sure is aligned,” but they can almost certainly tell you when it’s not. When your big idea is woven throughout every aspect of your business, it makes a massive difference. 

When I work with entrepreneurs who are also trying to speak on the TEDx stage, I highly encourage them to focus first on the big idea and then on the stage.TEDx is one place where your big idea shows up, but it’s not the only one. Your big idea should be the golden thread that ties everything - ops, marketing, sales, service, and culture - together. This consistency not only strengthens your brand identity but also builds trust and loyalty among your audience, making your business a living embodiment of your vision and values. 

And if you do have the opportunity to do a TEDx talk, then your message will match everything else you’ve been doing in your business! 

Strategies for Weaving In Your Big Idea

There are loads of ways to make sure everything is tightly woven around your big idea, but if you’re not quite sure how to get started, here are a few ideas.

  1. Align your offers with your vision – Is what you sell directly connected to the problem your big idea is addressing? Your products and services should be a direct manifestation of your big idea. 

  2. Operationalize Your Values – How do you do business? Your policies and practices should reflect the principles of your big idea, ensuring that your business operations are as impactful as your products or services.

  3. Engage and Communicate with Purpose – How are you talking about your big idea? Whether it’s social media, email marketing, podcasts, speaking engagements, or something else, create content that speaks to the elements of your big idea and invites people into the conversation. 

  4. Build a Community Around Your Idea - Above, I mentioned that your big idea can galvanize or repel people. Build a community of like-minded individuals and partners who share your vision. They become impact amplifiers.

For female thought leaders and social impact entrepreneurs, integrating your big idea into your business is not just a strategy—it's a commitment to bringing your vision and values to life.

If you’re trying to uncovering your big idea, let’s chat!

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