2023 Top 10

2023 Top 10

The holidays are in full swing, and I’m officially on vacation, taking some much needed downtime with my family and our dear friends.  

I’m taking this time to reflect on the year and to finish my preparations for a great start in 2024. As I thought about what to share on the blog this week, I remembered that I created the Top 10 last year and decided to go that route again! 

This year, my work has shifted a lot, with a heavy emphasis on:

  • Social Impact and using your business for good

  • Strategy and strategic planning

  • Using your voice to amplify your thought leadership and increase visibility

As we prepare for 2024, you can expect these topics as well as a few others, namely the power of your BIG IDEA and what that means for your business and the TEDx stage, how to prepare your business for increased visibility when you put your thought leadership into the world, and issues relating to gender equality and the need for better programs to support women’s entrepreneurship globally. 

I’m incredibly excited to dive into these topics with you. 2023 was a bit of a roller coaster for almost everyone I know, myself included. I am looking forward to the clean slate that the new year often provides and for all that 2024 has to offer. 

I can’t wait to work alongside you as you create bold, beautiful impact with your voice and your business.

And now, without further ado, I give you this year’s top 10!

Top 5 Blog Posts

  1. What in the world would change if you said what you wanted to say?

  2. 7 ways to create impact with your business

  3. Why Egypt?

  4. Why are you in business?

  5. Why weekly CEO Time is essential to growing your business

Top 5 Podcast Episodes

  1. Episode 13: When the world is on fire…

  2. Episode 9: Let’s talk about your theory of change

  3. Episode 2: My story and why impact matters

  4. Episode 6: VUCA and what to do about it

  5. Episode 4: Making sales easier with compelling offers

Welcome to 2024!

Welcome to 2024!

Entrepreneurship in 2024

Entrepreneurship in 2024