Why the World Needs Your Big Idea - RIGHT NOW!

Why the World Needs Your Big Idea - RIGHT NOW!

Listen to this episode on the Purpose + Profit Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or the podcast player of your choice

Have you ever had a thought that wouldn’t leave you alone? 

For the last 9 months, I’ve had an idea that has been sitting on the backburner of my mind. I’ve tried to ignore it. I tried to do something with it that, at the time, didn’t feel totally right. I thought it was too big, too grandiose, too unreachable to really make it happen. Heck, I even convinced myself that maybe I wasn’t the right person to do it… and if I was, that now wasn’t the time. 

And no matter how many excuses I had or reasons against it I came up with, it would. Not. go. Away. 

And let me tell you, that was really freaking annoying. 

After the election, I was feeling all kinds of feelings - grief, anger, sadness, worry… - and after I let myself feel those things, something began to well up inside me. 

A deep knowing that NOW was finally the time to bring this idea to life! It was like my soul was whispering, “This matters, Jess!”

Does this resonate for you? For so many of us, those ideas, the ones that are tugging at our heart, remain just that—ideas. Much like I did, we tell ourselves it’s not the right time, that it’s not clear enough, or that someone else has probably already said it better.

But here’s the truth: your big idea matters, and the world needs it now more than ever.

The Moment We’re In

We’re living in a time of rapid change. Systems are being challenged, conversations are shifting, and more than ever, people are looking for leaders—human voices to inspire, guide, and offer hope.

You’ve heard me beating this drum for a while. Women’s voices are essential in shaping what comes next. Now, more than ever. 

Yet, despite our potential, so many of us hold back, waiting for permission or perfection before we speak up.

This hesitation is not a personal failing—it’s a reflection of the world we’ve grown up in. It’s a function of the conditioning that has been programmed into us that keeps us small. Sometimes I picture this gremlin that latches onto my legs as I’m about to make a big move and he tugs me back down. 

But it’s time to shake off the gremlin and all the other voices, programming, and conditioning that keeps us small. The moment to step forward is now. 

Why Your Idea Matters

In March and April 2024, when this idea - it’s coming, I promise - was bubbling beneath the surface, I wrote a series of blog posts (here and here) about why women thought leaders were needed. Even before that, I was digging into the power of big ideas and how impact-oriented business (here and here) were going to change the world.

It’s daunting to think about the weight of that, isn’t it. But here’s what I want you to hear: Big ideas don’t have to change the entire world all at once. We start by changing one life, one community, one conversation at a time.

Your idea might be:

  • A story that challenges outdated narratives.

  • A framework that makes someone’s life easier.

  • A solution to a problem you’ve faced and conquered, and you KNOW it can make a big impact.

What makes it even more powerful is that it comes from you—your experiences, your perspective, and your unique voice.

No one can deliver your message the way you can. Period. 

The Challenges Before Us

When the world feels like a dumpster fire, it’s not easy to act on a big idea. 

I know this because over the last year, my own big idea has felt: 

  • Fuzzy and fragmented: I knew there was something there, but I wasn’t sure how to articulate it… or bring it to life in a way that felt meaningful.

  • Daunting: Maybe scary and risky, more like. Putting myself out there in this way feels vulnerable.

  • Isolating: I was constantly wondering and worrying if anyone would listen or care. If it would resonate. 

But every big idea starts somewhere. The election and the systematic oppression of women we’re seeing globally gave me newfound clarity, increased my commitment and passion, and mostly importantly, nudged me to FINALLY take that first step.

Your Invitation to Act

If you’ve been holding onto an idea, waiting for the “right time” to share it, let this be your sign.

The right time is when you decide to begin.

So, here’s my big idea and the larger vision I have for myself: To be a catalyst for transformative change by empowering and equipping women globally to recognize and harness their unique skills, expertise, and voice to drive opportunity, equity, and impact—so they can create opportunities for themselves, their communities, and beyond.  

At the core, my mission is to amplify the ripple effect of women’s leadership.  

This is why I finally created The Big Idea Incubator—a space for women like you to uncover their boldest ideas, refine their messages, and step into leadership with confidence.

It’s not about having all the answers; it’s about starting the journey and trusting that clarity will come as you take action.

And best of all, we’re doing it in community, because impact is communal.

Dream With Me

As you’re reading this, I invite you to imagine a world where more of us trusted our own ideas. Where more women shared their voices, even when they felt unsure. Where the issues, challenges, and problems we have been facing globally, are addressed in a way that benefits the whole community… not just the few. 

That world starts with you—and your willingness to take the next step.

Your journey doesn’t have to be perfect - heck, it definitely won’t be - but it does need to start. Because the world needs your voice, your vision, and the unique impact only you can create right now.

If you’re ready to take the first step, learn more about The Big Idea Incubator here.

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What Holds Us Back From Sharing Our Big Ideas?

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